Patients across many age groups can get root canal therapy as long as they need it. This therapy procedure is often necessary when a person has oral bacteria eroding the pulp of their teeth. While an untreated cavity often causes this, it can also be caused by direct trauma to the tooth, causing a crack. This post will discuss the average age to get a root canal and how to prepare for root canal therapy.

What Is a Root Canal?

What Is The Average Age To Get A Root Canal

Also known as endodontic treatment, a root canal is a dental procedure that involves extracting the soft center of the tooth, i.e., the pulp. The inside of the tooth is then carefully cleaned to eliminate the invading bacteria and prevent reinfection. This procedure removes the infection inside a tooth and saves the badly damaged structure instead of completely extracting the tooth. 

What Is The Average Age To Get A Root Canal

Getting a root canal is not directly determined by age – anyone can get a root canal at any age, depending on the severity of their tooth infection. If left untreated, the infection may develop into irreversible pulpitis and, eventually, the total damage to the tooth. It is most likely to require root canal therapy between the ages of 12 to 65. This is mostly because of a combination of reasons, including diet, poor oral hygiene, and aging or worn teeth. The most common ages for root canals are:

Early – the Late 20s

From ages 20 to 29, there is often an increase in the need for endodontic care. This is mostly attributed to economically disadvantaged individuals or if younger, individuals who neglect their oral health due to minor parental intervention. 

Middle Age – Mid-60s

Most individuals registering for root canal treatments are between the ages of 35 and 44. Any age or person who consumes a lot of sugar and carbohydrates is susceptible to tooth decay and dental issues. We also see an increased percentage of older individuals frequently receiving root canal therapy as dental problems have advanced. Dental care becomes more difficult to keep up with as a person ages.

A root canal treatment becomes necessary for dental care when they reach forty. They’ve undergone dental procedures, making it harder to chew. According to many endodontists, those aged 24 and 44 are the majority of those seeking a root canal consultation. Thus, patients between 24 and 44 are classified as Tier 1 patients who need a root canal and these are the average number of root canals by age.

What Is The Procedure For A Root Canal?

  1. The Endodontist administers anesthesia to make your gums numb during the root canal procedure.
  2. They place a dental rubber dam over the area to isolate the tooth and ensure it stays dry during the procedure.
  3. The root canal dentist then makes a small opening in the crown of your tooth for easy access to the infected pulp.
  4. They remove the pulp, which consists of nerves, tissues, and blood vessels, using tiny dental instruments.
  5. The pulp chamber and the root canals are disinfected, cleaned, and shaped to prevent reinfection.
  6. The endodontist will fill the canals with gutta-percha, a flexible, rubbery dental material to replace the pulp.
  7. The opening in the crown is then sealed with temporary dental filling so that bacteria doesn’t find its way back into the tooth. This will be removed in a few weeks for permanent restoration.
  8. The final restoration usually comprises getting a custom-made dental crown that protects the tooth and restores your bite and root canal cost with insurance

Things You Need To Know Before Getting a Root Canal

1. It Doesn’t Really Hurt

Many people think this procedure is excruciating for many reasons – especially because of how invasive it seems. However, you’ll be pleased to discover that root canals are as painful as you fear, especially since the cause of the initial pain is being extracted. Many say they experience immediate relief once they have extracted the infected pulp. 

After the procedure, you will probably feel soreness, discomfort, and, in some cases, a slight pain. If you feel pain after the procedure, meet with your dentist to improve your comfort.

2. You Should Eat Before The Procedure

Can I eat before a root canal, you’ll be advised to stay away from food for a few hours after your root canal procedure. Dentists in Medford advise incoming patients to eat before the procedure as their mouth will be numb for hours, making recovery easier and more comfortable. Root canal treatment is an easy process but many people are fearful of this and they create many myths about root canals. In reality, root canals eliminate bacteria and seal off the tooth to prevent new bacteria from entering.

3. Avoid Alcohol or Smoking for at least 24 Hours Before Root Canal Therapy.

The anesthesia used to numb your mouth may react negatively with alcohol or tobacco. You must avoid drinking alcohol or smoking at least 24 hours before you go to the dentist.

When Is Root Canal Needed?

You can get a root canal no matter how old you are. If you need a root canal specialist, Medford’s Gio Dental at Station Landing provides excellent root canal treatments Medford residents can easily access. 

Gio Dental is a top center for endodontics in Medford with highly skilled and qualified Medford Dentists. The most common signs you need a root canal include severe toothache when you chew, increased sensitivity to hot and cold foods, and swollen gums. If you experience any of these, schedule a dental appointment or call (781) 777-1812 Dentist Medford quickly to ease the discomfort and save your teeth.