Nearly 50% of Americans have experienced a form of gum disease at least once in their lives. Periodontal disease is progressive and can be curbed with quick enough dental intervention.

When people discover gum disease, they are often distraught and discouraged about dental treatment. However, as with many diseases, there are ways to intervene and salvage the situation before it’s too late. Keep reading to find out how.

What Is Periodontal Disease?

Can Periodontal Disease Be Stopped From Progressing

Also referred to as gum disease, periodontal diseases are typically caused by infections or inflammation of the gums and bone surrounding and supporting the teeth. This serious gum infection can damage the gums and destroy the jawbone if not diagnosed and treated quickly. 


How Can You Stop Periodontal Disease From Progressing?

Gum is a progressive disease that begins with mild symptoms and slowly presents in more severe ones. Although devastating, can periodontal disease be stopped and prevented from progressing further? You can prevent periodontal disease from progressing by noticing symptoms early enough, getting treated, and maintaining proper oral hygiene post-treatment.

Early Signs and Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

  1. Constant bad breath even when you brush your teeth 
  2. Red, swollen, and tender gums
  3. Bleeding gums
  4. Unusual teeth alignment when you bite
  5. Toothache or pain when chewing
  6. Prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold food or drinks
  7. Teeth falling out
  8. Receding gum line makes the teeth look longer

Causes of Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease occurs when bacteria in the mouth penetrate the tissue surrounding the teeth, causing inflammation and infection. Plaque or calculus forms when bacteria remain on the teeth for an extended time. When tartar accumulates below the gum line, it becomes increasingly difficult to clean the teeth. The most common causes of periodontal diseases include:

1. Poor Oral Hygiene

You should brush your teeth and floss daily to prevent gingivitis and other periodontal diseases. Poor oral hygiene makes it easier for bacteria to settle and invade your teeth and the tissue and bones surrounding them.

2. Illnesses

Certain illnesses can affect the health of your gums, such as HIV, cancer, and other diseases that lower your body’s immunity. Diabetes can also cause periodontal diseases as it interferes with the body’s ability to use blood sugar, thus increasing the risk of developing infections.

3. Hormonal Changes

People are at higher risk of periodontal disease during specific points of an individual’s life where significant hormonal changes occur. These periods include pregnancy, puberty, and menstruation. The hormonal changes may cause increased gum sensitivity, making the gums more susceptible to gingivitis.

4. Smoking

Smoking significantly hinders the ability of the gum to repair and protect itself, thus making it more prone to bacteria invasion.

5. Medications

Some medications can affect oral health by increasing gum sensitivity or, in some cases, reducing saliva flow. Saliva plays a vital role in protecting the gums and teeth. Examples of such medications include Dilantin for treated convulsions, Procardia, and Adalta, which are drugs for treating chest pain (angina). 

6. Family History

If you have a family history of periodontal disease, you risk developing it yourself. It’s important to keep tabs on such information and adjust your lifestyle to prevent it. You can see a Medford Dentist at Gio Dental for a full dental inspection.

Can You Prevent Periodontal Disease?

You can prevent periodontal diseases by maintaining excellent oral hygiene. Brush at least twice a day and floss every day. Ensure that you get regular dental checkups to improve your chances of avoiding gum disease or catching it in its early stages and treating it quickly.

How Do You Treat Periodontal Disease?

If you suspect periodontal disease, Medford’s top dentists at Gio Dental will help you treat the disease and prevent reoccurrence. Treatment includes improving oral hygiene, medication, scaling or scraping off the tarter, and root planing.

In severe cases of periodontitis, Medford dental clinics are reputable for successful flap surgeries and bone and tissue grafting. You can contact us at Gio Dental or call us at (781) 777-1812, to help you treat your periodontal disease and keep your oral health in great condition.